Proposed Changes to Legislation


You may have seen some articles in the news recently regarding proposed changes to legislation in the UK. Many of the legislation changes have been announced in a recent policy [...]

Proposed Changes to Legislation2023-06-21T16:27:32+00:00

Sickness Absence reaches Record Levels in the UK 


Official data has revealed that last year 185.6 million working days were lost through sickness or injury – a record number of absences.   Sickness levels in the UK rose 2.2% [...]

Sickness Absence reaches Record Levels in the UK 2023-05-21T13:10:51+00:00

Do management styles affect employees mental health? 


As a manager or leader of people, you have more than likely read different theories or heard about different styles of management.    Have you ever considered how your management style [...]

Do management styles affect employees mental health? 2023-05-21T13:06:57+00:00