As a manager or leader of people, you have more than likely read different theories or heard about different styles of management.   

Have you ever considered how your management style can actually have a profound and lasting impact on those you manage? 

You may be surprised to know that a recent study of 6,000 workers which was undertaken by the CIPD found a direct link between job satisfaction, mental health, and management. 

50% of employees with managers in the bottom quartile (on the management quality index) reported that work has a negative impact on their mental health. 

Looking at the same managers in the bottom quartile on the ratings, only 27% of employees reported to being happy at work. 

By contrast, 88% reported being happy at work, where they reported to a manager in the highest quartile.  

How can these findings impact your leadership? 

One of the key areas for organisations to consider is looking at the management style, skills, and abilities of all managers across the organisation.  Leadership should not just lie with key individuals, whether the Director, HR, or selected managers. It is also important to consider new or developing managers who may need additional training or support in leadership areas.  

Giving managers to the confidence to do two key things is crucial in developing your teams and organisation: 

  • Develop the skills and ability to lead successfully, through training, mentoring and a commitment to supporting their development 
  • Giving managers the tools and confidence to identify (and act upon) signs of stress, declining mental health or low morale within their teams 

When asked what qualities employees look for in a manager, the survey highlighted two main areas:, giving them respect (16% of respondents), and providing fair treatment (15% of respondents). 


Managers Training 

We can support you to upskill your managers by providing training on several key areas. Our training courses include topics such as: 

  • General Management 
  • Communication (and managing difficult conversations) 
  • Leadership Styles 
  • Managing Performance 
  • Absence Management 
  • Recruitment and Selection 
  • Disciplinary and Grievance 

We offer training in a variety of ways, including on-site, organisation specific, general sessions (attended by various organisations), online and remote.  We can also tailor our sessions towards larger groups, or small (or one to one) sessions.  

Please contact us to discuss any training needs you may have. We would love to support you to develop your managers, whilst ensuring compliance with the law and statutory requirements.